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Embrace Your Everyday podcast invites you to gain inspiring ideas for your home, family, marriage, parenting and faith.

Live a life you will remember. Invest your days in things that will last longer than you. Remember, your life is not a dress rehearsal.

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Mar 28, 2023

Long before dawn on Easter morning, about 100 believers gathered on Coconut Island with eager hearts. Many new worshippers of Christ anticipated this day. Easter Sunrise Service in Hawaii was an annual celebration with baptisms, a distinctly local breakfast and Easter service. Let me share my memories of spiritual...

Mar 21, 2023

Thank you to all of our listeners who have been listening weekly to our conversation. Thank you for sharing with friends and family, for giving us five stars and writing a review. Tim & Leah share their life story and along with the their spiritual formation journey. Hear how being a Christ follower guides their...

Mar 14, 2023

Our gifts to you include 100 podcasts, over 100 blogs and two books on Amazon: Hum of the Home: Routines and Rhythms of Homemaking, Nurturing My Nest: Intentional Homemaking and Custom Built Education.

Look for easy to use ideas on parenting, discipline, marriage, home, family, miscarriage,...

Mar 7, 2023

This April Tim and I will be celebrating 35 years of marriage. While this number seems overwhelming, we strongly believe that we are better versions of ourselves in this season than we were in the beginning. This conversation invited Tim to share his favorite five secrets along with my five secrets. Marriage is hard...