Jul 2, 2024
While preparing for preschool seems optional for the summer or the school year, it is vitally important. Don't waste the preschool years by limiting your little one to entertainment options. Maximize the season of learning that those early years bring. Preschool years are ripe learning years. Secondly, if you don't have a plan to keep the little ones busy, they will be underfoot when you are working with your older children or doing some needy domestic work. Teach them key memory work. Engage them in tactical skills. Guide them to delight in the world around you. Let's explore a number of ways to optimize and nurture some of your little one's best years!
Literature Rich Classical Education
Loving on Moms With New Babies
Whose Job is it Anyway? Spiritual Formation of a Child
Expect and Inspect: Teaching Your Child to Clean
A Silent Tragedy: How We are Raising Our Children
Inspiration on HOME and FAMILY @ www.nurturingmynest.com