Apr 2, 2024
As a rough water lifeguard and an eager health enthusiast, I completely support physical exercise being part of raising a whole child. However, I struggle with the emphasis on sports in today's youth culture. While sports is about fun and exercise, it's benefit can be much greater. More importantly, I think that playing recreational sports offers a platform to talk about how to respond when winning and losing. Self-control, hard work ethic, determination, stamina and a never-give-up attitude last long after the game is over.
More on Children:
5 Ideas for Developing the Whole Child
Loving on Moms with New Babies
Expect and Inspect Method: Teaching Children to Clean
GRIT - 5 Characteristics of Grittiness
Inspiration on HOME and FAMILY @ www.nurturingmynest.com
Books available on Amazon:
Hum of the Home:
Routines and Rhythms on Homemaking
Nurturing My Nest: Intentional Home Building and Custom Built Education