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Embrace Your Everyday podcast invites you to gain inspiring ideas for your home, family, marriage, parenting and faith.

Live a life you will remember. Invest your days in things that will last longer than you. Remember, your life is not a dress rehearsal.

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Jan 16, 2024

The audible word of God is available for you and me anytime we desire to hear it. Truthfully, I read my Bible out loud even when I am by myself so that I can use more of my senses to fully take in His truths. So often when I read I am overwhelmed by God's love for me as well as His power as creator of the physical world I live in daily. Our Father God designed you and me for relationship with Him. The great void in our spirit when we are not connected to Him is filled when hear the audible word of God. 

Who am I? What is My Identity?

Soul Keeping

Radical Monogamy

Books on HOME and FAMILY:

Hum of the Home: Routines and Rhythms of Homemaking

Nurturing My Nest: Intentional Home Building and Custom Built Education