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Embrace Your Everyday podcast invites you to gain inspiring ideas for your home, family, marriage, parenting and faith.

Live a life you will remember. Invest your days in things that will last longer than you. Remember, your life is not a dress rehearsal.

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Aug 17, 2023

Perhaps you have been thinking about making new friends. Perhaps you need to find better healthy friends. Perhaps you need to be a better friend? Friendship with family and others is the most meaningful ways to spend your life. Vunerability, honesty and loyalty are all features of a quality friend. Success in friend making is partially determined by your discretion in knowing what NOT to do when making friends.


Read more on this topic @


How to Make Friends and Keep Them 

Emotional Intelligence



More on HOME and FAMILY in these books on Amazon:

Nurturing My Nest: Intentional Homebuilding and Custom Built Education

Hum of the Home: Routines and Rythms of Homemaking